The first real Esports Magazine has come


Times are changing, Esports is growing … and it has been for years.
But it is the first time that with a professionally produced magazine dedicated to the scene.

The magazine is awesome and I instantly payed the 20$ that will grant me access to this year’s other issues.
You can check the first issue here for free, and trust me it’s well worth a look !

It’s all there the drama, the $ talk, the theory-crafting, the interviews …
But “I can find that on any Esports news site” you are telling yourself, well to put it mildly  you  are   WRONG!!
This is beautiful, well written, with great content, with great pieces by community figures that know what they are talking about … And you should read it.

See you in the Stadiums!

Let’s talk Esports!


This blog/website needs a first article so here it is.
I just want to talk a little about what this will be about. This is not a blog about me or about a specific game, I’ll mainly talk about the happenings in the Esports world that have captured my interest.

I will discuss topic such as the industry, games, tournament, player/team, drama…

lets get rollin’ !